It’s not “what about the Uyghurs, Darfur, Armenia, etc” so much as “Why are so many people ONLY upset about the Palestinians, and then ONLY when Jews are involved.”
No marches when Egypt shells Gaza, and they do.
No marches when Lebanon put a wall around Ain El Hilweh or the many times their military has taken action in there.
No marches when Kuwait forcibly expelled close to half a million Palestinians.
Most of the protestors don’t even know there are Palestinians outside of Israel, and there were definitely no marches when almost a million Jews were ethnically cleansed from the Arab states.
So if it’s about supporting Palestinians and not hating Jews it’s pretty reasonable to ask why it’s such a hot button now and not any of those other times.
In Karabakh right now, today, Azerbaijan is actually doing to the Armenians what these protestors falsely claim Israel is doing to Gaza. It’s completely to fair to ask what’s different about that in terms of international response and news coverage.