The fact that it was executed as incompetently as everything else the Trump regime does doesn't detract from the seriousness of it.
It was an attempt, however poorly executed, to seize power by force from a duly elected government. That's what a coup is.
Your sequence of events is also missing some pretty vital facts and context:
1) 30,000 showed up in DC... except they didn't just show up, Trump asked them to come.
2) Yes, he gave the latest in a series of inflammatory speeches designed to stoke anger and violence.
3) They went to the Capitol because he TOLD THEM TO DO THAT. His speech is here, read or watch it yourself:
4) Why did his treasonous goons not encounter significant resistance? Because Trump told law enforcement and the military to stand down. He spent the time between November and his attempted coup reshuffling key positions at the Pentagon to make this possible. Also quite well documented.
The goal was to interfere with the certification of the election and prevent himself from being removed from office.
Had the more sinister members of this group taken hostages (which they certainly would have done if not for the heroic actions of Capitol Police), had Mike Pence of all people not stood firm and done his constitutional duty, or had the bulk of the crowd not been made up of feeble minded idiots who barely knew what day it was, the coup would have been successful.
The fact that it was executed by morons doesn't mean it wasn't planned by those who seek to overthrow the US.
Even if your take here was in any way correct (it is not) when you split hairs like this it only helps divide those who oppose these fascist morons and aid those seeking the violent overthrow of American Democracy.
Maybe stop doing that.